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I received my certification through the Reflexology Association of Canada. In 2013.

My interest in alternative therapy led me to explore the field of reflexology. My aim is to help you achieve a healither, happy and balanced lifestyle.


I am also trained in RLD (Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage)

Currently taking Hand refelxology

I am  incorporating essential oils (always therapeutic grade to get the maximum benefit) to redirect and treat misdirected energy within the body. Misdirected energy can be caused by illness,injury or even imbalance in certain substances within the body such as hormones, electrolytes, etc.


Complementary therapies now days are considered a healthcare option. Although never to replace medical care or diagnosis but to work alongside the medical profession. 


Connie Zinn

Certified Reflexologist Therapist

Avanced Level Usui Reiki

I believe healing begins with the mind and reflexology can support the physical body in a very immediate way.I believe your body has the ability to heal itself and reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation which helps promote the natural functions of the body.

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